When engaging in the world of digital marketing, regardless of doing so to grow as a professional on the field or to promote your brand, SEO is a topic that you are going to find in a lot of articles and discussions and it’s easy to see why–we’re talking about of one of the most important elements to take into account when working in digital marketing.
What is SEO?
Being short for Search Engine Optimization, SEO is a procedure where you stablish keywords for the content of your website or your blog, thus making it easier for people to find it on their internet searches. For example, let’s say that you have a football blog; you can add footballs terms such as “pitch”, “goalkeeper”, “midfielders”, “goals” or others and use them regularly on your written content so it can be easier for people to find it. Carry on with the football analogy, if you have articles about European midfielders, then you could add terms such as “midfielders”, “best European midfielders” and terms of that nature because those are some of the words people might use to find content related to that. That’s what SEO is and that’s how it works.
Why should you care? Now, this may not seem like a big deal at first, but there’s a lot to take from SEO and that is why it has become an essential part of every digital marketer’s campaign. Here you can find a few reasons as to why you should care about SEO:
1. It gives your website/blog better positioning. Why do you think it’s easier to find a website or blog that is SEO-based? Quite simple: positioning. When using the right keywords and in a steady pace during each article or publication that you share, the website is going to appear higher on the results pages on the internet when people are doing searches using your keywords. That’s why every single website has the position that it has on Google results, for example; they are stablished that way because of a combination of high traffic and proper SEO-based content.
2. It gives far more cohesion to your content. One issue you might be having when stablishing the content for your website or blog is that you may not have a clear idea of where direction to take. Continuing with the football analogy, a website or blog dedicated to a whole sport can cover a lot of different subjects, so selecting a few keywords would determine what your niche within that frame is. Cohesion is a very important element to take into consideration when creating content for your brand and that is one of the main reasons why you should care about SEO; it makes sure that you maintain a certain stylistic coherence that is necessary at short, medium and long term.
3. High return on investment. This is one of the biggest benefits that you can get from SEO: high return on investment, if you decide to hire the services of a professional. SEO is, above all else, a medium of promotion for your brand and that is something we all want, right? Well, the possibility of doing this with little investment compared to the results This is especially important if you are running a small business; you may have a limited budget, so it’s important to use every single tool that gives you the best results
4. Your competition is doing it, too. You can trust us on this one: you’re not the only one who is going to be working with SEO-based content. Actually, there are lots of people doing it as we speak. One of the major themes when working with a brand is the fact that you can’t stay behind from your competition because they are going to be getting the traffic and the clientele that you want, so it’s important to stay updated in the market to not fall behind.
5. You’re going to get a lot more credibility for your brand. Let’s face it: when we Google something, we tend to select the first choices that appear on the results. That is the way that is. Therefore, you should do your absolute best to stand out in that regard–that’s when SEO appears. A brand that is one of the first choices on Google searches is one that has a lot of credibility, which is something you should always consider; first impression always has a slight degree of influence and that is why you should SEO your content to stand out among the crowd.
Final tips and conclusions.
SEO is something that most quality brands are currently doing, but that doesn’t mean it’s the same for all–each brand has its own kind of content and you should SEO yours based on that. SEO is a rational and logical step in your content’s evolution and it’s going to be a very important element in the way that you shape your entire digital campaign–it’s a very important progression that you just can’t avoid if you want to be truly successful in your field of choice.